环境污染作文 雅思作文范文与解析|如何解决环境污染问题

环境污染作文 雅思作文范文与解析|如何解决环境污染问题

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第一篇:【20180310大陆】One of the best ways to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel and all vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


这里提醒大家审题时注意,vehicle不仅仅指汽车,而是指所有交通运输工具(运货或者运人的都可以),所以大家在做词汇替换时也不能直接替换成automobiles,这样会把题目的范围缩小。 Many people believe that a higher price of fossil fuels and all means of transport will ease the environmental impact. While I concede that the reduction of carbon emissions is vital, I do not think a price hike can make notable improvements. It is undeniable that a large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions comes from motor vehicles, whose function heavily relies on the combustion of fossil fuels. The carbon emissions they produce lead to global warming, and consequently, extreme meteorological events such as droughts and floods. Moreover, the exhaust fumes, a major source of air pollution containing carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, among other pollutants or even carcinogens, pose significant health risks. The threat brought by human-made emissions requires us to take immediate action to mitigate the effect. However, an increase in price may fail to palliate such impact as people wish, because many coal and petrol consumers as well as vehicle users are insensitive to price. For example, in Shanghai, people need to pay more than a thousand dollars for merely biding for a license plate. Even though the price is high enough, the popularity never fades, maintaining the success rate at around five percent. The same is true with fossil price, because most transportation and shipment is necessary, and thus will not be influenced by the fluctuation of price. Instead, the higher price will act as a brake on the economic advance, since both energy and transportation are indispensable factors in a robust development.    In conclusion, I do not agree that a higher price can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels, considering that many demands are inelastic.  (268 words)

第二篇:【20200718大陆】Increasing the price of cars and petrol is one of the best ways to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 这道题看上去和前一题很像,但是其实多了一个小问:这种措施对缓解交通压力有帮助吗?

我的处理方法是把前一篇文章的第二主体段修改后作为这一篇文章的第一主体段。而这篇文章的第二主体段,引入电动汽车:提升汽油价格——>导致一些人转而买电动汽车——>电动汽车成本低,加剧交通拥堵。 Some people hold the view that a higher price of petroleum and automobiles will ease the environmental impact as well as traffic congestion. However, I completely disagree that a price hike can make notable improvements. In my point of view, an increase in price may fail to palliate such impact as people wish, because many oil consumers as well as vehicle users are insensitive to price. For example, in Shanghai, people need to pay more than a thousand dollars for merely biding for a license plate. Even though the price is high enough, the popularity never fades, maintaining the success rate at around five percent. As long as public transportation is not easily available to everyone, private car use is dispensable for many individuals and families to commute, go outing, etc., and a higher price cannot diminish such demand. Another interesting factor we cannot ignore is electrical vehicles (EVS), which serve as alternatives of the petrol-powered cars and are becoming a predominant player in the car industry. If petroleum becomes more expensive, many consumers will turn to EVS, which rely on currents and batteries instead of combustion. The cost per kilometer of electric motors is much lower than that of petrol engines, encouraging the users to drive more, which leads to worse traffic conditions. Although we can raise the price of EVS, once people purchase them, they will prefer them to public transportation, considering the slashed usage cost. To conclude, I believe a higher price can neither reduce the dependence on fossil fuels nor mitigate traffic congestion, considering that many demands are inelastic, and consumers will be driven to electrical cars, a more cost-effective option.   (275 words)

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