介绍一个民族 民族团结系列讲座 一民族概述



2021民族概述Ethnic Overview

    在当今世界,无论是在多民族国家的内部,或者是在国际政治生活中,民族问题都是一个普遍存在的社会政治问题。古今中外民族问题的状况,特别是当今世界民族问题的热点情况充分表明,民族问题对多民族国家的前途与命运,对民族与民族之间、民族与国家之间以及国家与国家之间的关系,都具有极其深刻而重要的影响。In today’s world, whether within multi-ethnic countries or in international political life, national problems are a common social and political problem. The situation of national problems at all times and all over the world, especially the hot spots in the world today, fully shows that national problems have a profound and important impact on the future and destiny of multi-ethnic countries, on the relations between nations and nations, between nations and nations, and between nations and nations.01民族概述Ethnic Overview

民族作为人类社会发展的一种历史现象,它具有不同于其他人们共同体的某些特征要素。As a historical phenomenon in the development of human society , nationality has certain characteristics different from other people’s communities .

民族是人类社会发展到一定历史阶段才形成的具有共同语言、共同地域、共同经济生活,以及表现于共同文化特点上的共同心理素质的稳定的人们共同体。A nation is a stable people’s community with common language , common region , common economic life , and the common psychological quality of common cultural characteristics .

02民族概述Ethnic Overview

一般说来,社会发展到什么程度,民族也会发展到什么程度。Generally speaking, the degree of social development, the nation will also develop to what extent.A MINIMALIST LIFESTYLE

民族的形成,具有其历史的底蕴和前提The formation of a nation has its historical background and premise03民族概述Ethnic Overview

中华大地上,滋养生息着五十六个民族,这五十六个民族,每一个民族都符合以上的民族的含义。On the land of China , there nourishes 5 6 nationalities , each of which conforms to the meaning of the above nationalities .


56个民族是一家,我们都生活在中国这大家庭中,无论是哪个地区,都是我们的同胞,无论是哪个民族,都是我们的骨肉兄弟!56 ethnic groups are one, we all live in this big family in China, no matter which region, are our compatriots, no matter which nation, are our flesh and blood brothers! 交易担保 票圈vlog一原创视频生活社区 民族概述 小程序




