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英语短文阅读经典美文 英语短文阅读app


大家好, 我是Howbby Zou希望能用英语和大家分享一些知识或小故事,喜欢的朋友可以点赞支持转发一下,感谢各位!

As we know, the stars shining in the sky at night. When we look up, there has a wide and bright belt of light extending in the sky. It’s the milky way! It looks like a river in the sky, and the story begin with this river.

The sky ,likes a desk, covers the land. It has four legs to support the sky. We can guess, if the desk lose one leg, what the terrible thing will happen? Yes, the desk will crash to the ground.

In ancient China, there was a great war happened between the God of fire and the God of water. The war last for many years, the God of water lost the war at last. He fled to the corner of the land and cracked the one leg of the sky to suicide.

The sky lost one leg to support it’s balance, and the sky began tilting to the ground. The sky couldn’t cover the land, and the water of the sky river dropping to the ground. Thousants of millions tons water hit the ground, caused a great damage. The land could not carry all the things on it. The flood swept everywhere. People was suffering from the disaster.

The God of the good and honest, NuWa, wanted to cure the world and save the people. She went around the world and found out five-color mine stones, melt them to mend the hole of sky. In order to support the sky, She cut off a leg from a giant turtle to replace. Well, the sky balanced again. The water of river didn’t drop to the ground any more. The world returned to peace again.

NuWa’s deeds were benefited the sky and land. Her name was remembered by the people of generations. She gives love and peace to the human world. People regard her as their mother.


1. Why did the leg of the sky broken?

2. What did NuWa use to mend the hole of the sky?

3. What’s animal that NuWa cut off it’s leg?





