英语复试自我介绍几分钟 复试英语自我介绍模板带翻译

英语复试自我介绍几分钟 复试英语自我介绍模板带翻译

英语自我介绍,一般包括8个要点,但除了1238是必选项外,你可以对其他某1-2项进行扩展,不必对每一项都面面俱到,如果能恰当举出一些例子,会让你更加有话可说。1开头语2个人信息(姓名/年龄/故乡)3学业背景(学校/专业/得奖/学过的课程)4实习经历或工作经历5考研/跨考的原因6读研规划与展望7兴趣爱好8结束语【开头语】Good morning, dear professors.【个人信息】My name is Xiao Chong. I’m 21 years old. I come from Shanxi.【学业背景】I graduated from Anhui University of Technology, and my major was the Internet of Things. In the past three and half years, I spent most of my time on study. My GPA was 3.67, which ranked first in my grade and allowed me to receive scholarships every year.【实习经历】Last year,I attended National College Competition for Innovative Cloud Computing Application. With the help of my classmates, we overcame many challenges that included as follows: the campus escape drill system based on VR technology, finally got the second price. This experience gave me the deeper understanding of the importance of collaboration.【考研原因】What’s more, my intense interest in computer science, especially in virtual reality, and augmented reality, affirmed my desire to pursue a higher degree at this university. I love the atmosphere of these campus, which is full of passion and youthful spirit. Studying in Beijing Institution of Technology can help me meet top students and scholars. Therefore, I believe it can bring my academic research to a higher level. If I’m lucky enough to be accepted, I will devote all my efforts and energy to my major.【读研规划】To study in your school has always been my dream. If I am lucky enough to further my study, I think, first of all, I will continue to strengthen the study of my professional basic knowledge and take classes seriously. Therefore, I can have a deeper grasp of the basic courses of my major. It is necessary to establish a good knowledge structure, to cover the basic knowledge of the subject as widely as possible.【兴趣爱好】I am a careful and responsible person. When I was sophomore, I participated in a project, and my major task was to use software to make factory model. Compared to the models of other classmates, the function and design of my works are better. It’s my attitude to take every game seriously,because I always try my utmost to excel at whatever I do.【结束语】The above is my self introduction. Thank you for attention.