英语词汇量对口语的影响 口语和词汇量有关系吗

英语词汇量对口语的影响 口语和词汇量有关系吗








先解释一下词汇量与单词量,关于词汇量,其实我们都误认为是单词量,其实他们是不同的概念,词汇既包括单词, 也包括由单词构成的搭配, 短语, 句式等.


I didn’t mean to be a pain in the ass. I’m your big sister and I’m just looking out for you.

这句话一共有23个单词, 想必你都认识

但是I didn’t mean to是什么意思?a pain in the ass呢? big sister和look out for you又是什么意思呢?

这些意思你都知道? 如果是的话, 那么恭喜!


I didn’t mean to…是句式, a pain in the ass和look out for you是短语, big sister是搭配

短语称为phrase, 字典上一般可以查到, 因为短语的含义往往不同于构成短语的单词的含义之和.

搭配称为collocation, 字典上查不到, 因为搭配的含义往往等于构成搭配的单词的含义之和.

所以说, 口语拼的不是单词量, 而是词汇量, 是单词, 搭配, 短语, 句式的综合,并且我说的词汇量是听力词汇量,这和阅读词汇量是有很大区别的.你看到一个单词认识,并不代表你听到它的时候也能知道是什么意思,并且听力需要有更高的要求,需要你马上作出反应而不是还去慢慢回忆。

而且认识一个单词还不够, 还要认识这个单词的相关的搭配, 短语, 句式, 而且要对它们做到信手拈来。


举个例子,当你听到shake ,sad ,happy 时,你并不会去思考就会明白是什么意思,因为这些是你的听力词汇。但如果是fluctuate,tragedy,ecstasy,差不多的意思,效果就完全不同了。 这就需要对单词以及语境形成一种听觉反射,这绝对不是一朝一夕就能练成的。







比如说对于”keen”这个单词,你看了一眼,知道了它差不多有”激烈的,热血的,渴望的,锋利敏捷的”这些意思,并且看了看例句。好了,好像记得七七八八了。但是对于”fervent,avid,enthusiastic,zealous”这些词,它们同样可以有“热心的”意思,你知道它们和”keen”之间的区别吗? 下次阅读时碰到一个句子”They sell reliable products at very keen prices”,你能反应过来keen在句子中的意思吗?你能用这个单词造几个句子灵活应用到写作中吗?通过背单词的方法其实是把单词和语境生生割裂开来了。换句话说,通过这种方式记住的只是消极词汇。单词来得快,走得也快。所以我一直都不提倡通过背单词的方式来提高词汇量。







1.选择合适难度的阅读材料:假设你的英文水平为i,则选取的阅读材料难度要满足i+1(或i+2)的原则,这样可以保证你在做精读的过程中能碰到足够数量的生词。最理想的精读材料选择为外刊,因为上面的文章往往短小精悍,信息量大,可读性强。首推《经济学人》,如果你觉得经济学人的难度太高,《时代周刊》也可以。2.对在阅读过程中遇到的生词,使用Mdict,深蓝等软件加载多本英英词典进行查询,并将查询结果整理成笔记。我平时的精读材料是《经济学人》,我举个例子说明一下精读的步骤:这是经济学人2015年1月的一篇文章节选,出自经济学人总编John Micklethwait之手:

THIS newspaper churlishly deprives its editors of the egocentric adornments of our trade.Tragically, these pages include no weekly “editor’s letter” to readers, underneath a beaming, air-brushed picture. Online, there is a weekly e-mail, but that comes from your “desk”, not you. As editor, you spend your time in deplorable obscurity, consoled merely by the fact you have the nicest job in journalism. But there are two indulgent exceptions: a brief mention when you are appointed; and this valedictory leader, which attempts to sum up the world that has hurtled across your desk.It starts on the first day, and never lets up. There are elections, coups, wars, bankruptcies and tsunamis. Science throws up discoveries and ideas. A pantomime of Putinesque villains and Berlusconi-style clowns force themselves onto the cover. But for the things this newspaper cares about, the past nine years have been a battle, one that has left me in a state of paranoid optimism. Paranoia because so much remains under threat; optimism because, for the most part, the creed this newspaper lives by is strong enough to survive.


THIS newspaper churlishly deprives its editors of the egocentric adornments of ourtrade.Tragically, these pages include no weekly “editor’s letter” to readers, underneath a beaming,air-brushed picture. Online, there is a weekly e-mail, but that comes from your “desk”, not you. As editor, you spend your time in deplorable obscurity, consoled merely by the fact you have the nicest job in journalism. But there are two indulgent exceptions: a brief mention when you are appointed; and this valedictory leader, which attempts to sum up the world that has hurtled acrossyour desk.It starts on the first day, and never lets up. There are elections, coups, wars, bankruptcies and tsunamis. Science throws up discoveries and ideas. A pantomime of Putinesque villains and Berlusconi-style clowns force themselves onto the cover. But for the things this newspaper cares about, the past nine years have been a battle, one that has left me in a state of paranoid optimism. Paranoia because so much remains under threat; optimism because, for the most part, thecreed this newspaper lives by is strong enough to survive.

整理一下:生词:churlishly ,egocentric ,adornments,trade(一词多义),air-brushed,deplorable,consoled ,indulgent ,valedictory,tsunamis.,pantomime ,Putinesque,Berlusconi-style ,paranoid, creed 短语:hurtle across,let up值得注意的句子:Science throws up discoveries and ideas. 节选的这两段文字只有187个词,结果我们整理出了这么多东西。


泛读是对精读的补充与拓展,在大量泛读中你将会不断重现精读过程中积累的词汇,对词汇的理解也会更上一层楼。泛读的材料可以适当选取小说类,比如Dan Brown 的,故事情节紧张刺激同时又有一定的词汇量。