麦田里的守望者读书笔记 《麦田里的守望者》精读笔记 九| 原著赏析

麦田里的守望者读书笔记 《麦田里的守望者》精读笔记 九| 原著赏析



 第二章(精读9-1) He started going into this nodding routine.You never saw anybody nod as much in your life as old Spencer did. You never knew if he was nodding a lot because he was thinking and all, or just because he was a nice old guy that didn’t know his ass from his elbow.


go into sth 表示(to begin to do sth or behave in a particular way)“以某种方式开始做某事,开始某种表现”,例如:He went into a long explanation of the affair. 他开始长篇大论解释其那件事来。go into …routine,表示“开始老一套的做法,像往常一样做…,例行公事”,比如:She went into a series of routine medical tests.她开始一些列常规的医疗检查。He started going into this flattering routine. 他又开始奉承了。

not know sb’s ass from sb’s elbow:(to be very stupid or completely lacking in skill)愚蠢至极,屁都不懂,例如:She was such an ungly girl that didn’t know her ass from her elbow. 她真是又丑又蠢。


“And how do you think they’ll take the news?”

“Well. . . they’ll be pretty irritated about it,” I said. “They really will. This is about the fourth school I’ve gone to.” I shook my head. I shake my head quite a lot. “Boy!” I said. I also say “Boy!” quite a lot. Partly because I have a lousy vocabulary and partly because I act quite young for my age sometimes. I was sixteen then, and I’m seventeen now, and sometimes I act like I’m about thirteen. It’s really ironical, because I’m six foot two and a half and I have gray hair. I really do. The one side of my head——the right side——is full of millions of gray hairs. I’ve had them ever since I was a kid. And yet I still act sometimes like I was only about twelve. Everybody says that, especially my father. It’s partly true, too, but it isn’t all true. People always think something’s all true. I don’t give a damn, except that I get bored sometimes when people tell me to act my age. Sometimes I act a lot older than I am——I really do——but people never notice it. People never notice anything.



take(v.):(to understand or consider sth in a particular way)领会,理解,考虑,例如:She took what he said as a compliment. 她把他说的看作是赞誉。How am I supposed to take that remark?我应该怎么理解那话的意思?(take 也可以作为名词,表示看法,意见,比如:What’s your take on the plan?这项计划你怎么看?)

irritate(v.):(If something irritates you, it keeps annoyingyou.)激怒;使恼怒;使烦躁,例如:Their attitude irritatesme. 他们的态度激怒了我。Perhaps they were irritated by the sound of crying. 也许他们被哭声惹烦了。

act one’s age:(to behave in a way that is suitable for sb of your age and not as though you were much younger)行为和年龄相称,举止不再有小孩子气,例如:Act your age, Jim! You’re not a child any more! 吉姆,要有点儿大人样!你不再是小孩子啦!Why don’t you act your age? 你为啥这样孩子气呢?(所以文中的 act quite young for my age 是这个固定搭配的变形,表示“行为表现比实际年龄小得多”)

ironical:(又作:ironic,皆为 adj.)(showing that you really mean the opposite of what you are saying;expressing)反语的,讽刺的,例如:It is ironic that although many items are nowcheaper to make, fewer people can afford to buy them. 讽刺的是,即便现如今很多商品的制作成本更低了,但却越来越少人能够买得起了。

not give a damn:( to not care at all about someone or something)对…毫不在乎,例如:I don’t give a damn what she thinks. 我根本就不在乎她是怎么想的。


“What would you have done in my place?” he said. “Tell the truth, boy.”

Well, you could see he really felt pretty lousy about flunking me. So I shot the bull for a while. I told him I was a real moron, and all that stuff. I told him how I would’ve done exactly the same thing if I’d been in his place, and how most people didn’t appreciate how tough it is being a teacher. That kind of stuff. The old bull.



in one’s place:(in one’s situation)处于某人的境况,比如:I wouldn’t like to be in your place. 我可不想处于你的境地。

flunk sb:(to make sb fail an exam, a test, or a course by giving them a low mark / grade)给(某人)不及格,例如:She’s flunked 13 of the 18 students. 18个学生她给了13个不及格。(此外,flunk 也可以表示某人自己考试、测验不及格,作此意解的时候,相当于 fail,比如:I flunked / failed math in second grade. 我二年级时数学不及格。这个用法在小屁孩日记里已经讲过了)

shoot the bull / breeze:(to have a conversation in an informal way)聊天,闲聊,例如:We sat around in the bar, shooting the breeze / bull. 我们坐在酒吧闲聊。

moron:(an offensive way of referring to sb that you thinkis very stupid)白痴;低能儿;傻子,例如:I used to think that Gordon was a moron. 我曾以为戈登是个白痴。You moron! 你这白痴!

 第二章(精读9-4) “Why? Oh, well it’s a long story, sir. I mean it’s pretty complicated.” I didn’t feel like going into the whole thing with him. He wouldn’t have understood it anyway. It wasn’t up his alley at all. One of the biggest reasons I left Elkton Hills was because I was surrounded by phonies. That’s all. They were coming in the goddam window. For instance, they had this headmaster, Mr. Haas, that was the phoniest bastard I ever met in my life. Ten times worse than old Thurmer. On Sundays, for instance, old Haas went around shaking hands with everybody’s parents when they drove up to school. He’d be charming as hell and all. Except if some boy had little old funny-looking parents. You should’ve seen the way he did with my roommate’s parents. I mean if a boy’s mother was sort of fat or corny-looking or something, and if somebody’s father was one of those guys that wear those suits with very big shoulders and corny black-and-white shoes, then old Hans would just shake hands with them and give them a phony smile and then he’d go talk, for maybe a half an hour, with somebody else’s parents. I can’t stand that stuff. It drives me crazy. It makes me so depressed I go crazy. I hated that goddam Elkton Hills.

Old Spencer asked me something then, but I didn’t hear him. I was thinking about old Haas. “What, sir?” I said.

“Do you have any particular qualms about leaving Pencey?”




Oh, well, it’s a long story. I mean it’s pretty complicated. 错综复杂,说来话长。(实用口语句,当别人的问题你不想直面回答时,也可以用这两句话搪塞过去)

up one’s alley(BrE:up one’s street):(very suitable for you because it is sth that you know a lot about or are very interested in)适合某人,和某人对口,例如:This job seems right up your street. 这工作看来对你正合适(right 在此处表强调)。

corny:(If you describe something as corny, you meanthat it is obvious or sentimental and not at all original.)陈旧的;过时的;老生常谈的,例如:I know it sounds corny,but I’m really not motivated by money.我知道这听起来像是老生常谈,但我真的不是为了钱。corny jokes. 老掉牙的笑话

qualm:(If you have no qualms about doing something,you are not worried that it may be wrong in some way. )忧虑;不安;担忧,例如:I have no qualms aboutrecommending this approach.我会毫不犹豫地推荐这一方法。He had been working very hard so hehad no qualms about taking a few days off. 他一直辛勤工作,所以休息几天他觉得心安理得。

 第二章(精读9-5) Then we shook hands. And all that crap. It made me feel sad as hell, though.

“I’ll drop you a line, sir. Take care of your grippe, now.”

“Good-by, boy.”




drop sb a line:(to write someone a letter, especially a short informal one )给某人写信(尤指那种较短的稍显不正式的信)例如:Just drop me a line when you’ve decided on a date.  

输出尝试Lily:How do you think dad will take the news?Lucy:What?You mean Jim’s flunking out of school again? If he knew Jim had gone into this flunking routine, he would be mad without doubt. Lily:But Jim won’t give a damn what others thinks. He is such a moronic guy that don’t know his ass from his elbow.Lucy:I couldn’t agree with you more. But it is ironical that although he has done all these lousy things and always act quite young for his age , mom cherishes him as the apple of her eye. It’s so unfair.Lily:But there’s no need to be irritated about it at all. Let’s just wait and see. Tonight there is going to be an amazing sitcom in our family.Lucy:Hah. If I were in his place, I would be like a cat on hot bricks and couldn’t have had the mood to shoot the bull with you here. I mean dad will definitely hit the ceiling or anything. He will have no qualms about beating him to death.Lily:I need to drop a line to Grandma and tell her this news.by watson

