袁隆平英语作文介绍 袁隆平英语作文100字带翻译

袁隆平英语作文介绍 袁隆平英语作文100字带翻译


袁隆平院士是我国当代杰出的农业科学家,享誉世界的“杂交水稻之父”.他参加工作50多年以来,不畏艰辛、执着追求、大胆创新、勇攀高峰,所取得的科研成果使我国杂交水稻研究及应用领域领先世界水平,推广应用后不仅解决了中国粮食自给难题,也为世界粮食安全做出了杰出贡献.Academician Yuan Longping outstanding contemporary China’s agricultural scientists,world-renowned “father of hybrid rice.” He participated in more than 50 years of work,hard,persistent pursuit of bold innovation,,the research results achieved by our hybrid rice research and application of world-class leader in the field,promote the use of not only solve the problems of China’s food self-sufficiency,but also food security for the world made an outstanding contribution.


Yuanlongping is a great scientist who is devoted to agriculture. Let me introduce him.From an early age he was hard-working and was curious about everything, that is why he was given the nick name, “the student who asks questions.”.He studied agriculture in collage and began experiments in crop breeding. He thought that only by crossing different species of rice plant can we solve the food problem. Step by step, Yuan became the leading figure of the rice-growing world. In 1970 he made a breakthrough which is supported by government.Yuan made a contribution in agriculture, not only to China, but to the whole world. As far as I am concerned, he is more than a scientist. He is a hero.袁隆平是一位致力于农业的伟大科学家。让我介绍他。从很小的时候起,他就很勤奋,对一切都很好奇,这就是为什么他被昵称为“提问的学生”。他在大学里学习农业,并开始了作物育种试验。他认为只有杂交不同种类的水稻才能解决粮食问题。一步一步,袁隆平成为世界水稻种植业的领军人物。1970年,他在政府的支持下取得了突破。元在农业方面做出了贡献,不仅对中国,而且对整个世界。就我而言,他不仅仅是一个科学家。他是个英雄。



Father of hybrid rice, stable personality, faith, perseverance, love special research, love the motherland, enthusiastic to help others.


1、追求科学需要特殊的勇敢。——伽利略the pursuit of science needs special courage。2、运动是一切生命的源泉。——达·芬奇sport is the source of all life。3、真理可能在少数人一边。——柏拉图truth may be in the side of a few people。4、惊奇就是科学的种子。——爱迪生surprise is the seed of science。5、只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。——培根only obey natural, can control the nature。6、人就像一粒种子,各方面都要健康。——袁隆平man is like a seed, various aspects are healthy。7、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。——爱因斯坦science is endless, it is an eternal mystery。8、一旦科学插上幻想的翅膀,它就能赢得胜利。——法拉第



