细水长流阅读答案 细水长流话阅读

细水长流阅读答案 细水长流话阅读

细水长流阅读答案作者:校长 Helen Swan翻译:林振华老师今年,我们的重点是提高文字素养(literacy),不单单对英文和中文而言,还包括其他所有学科。每个学科的老师都有责任提升学生的文字素养,确保学生能够掌握并正确运用该学科的用语习惯。This year the focus at Green Oasis School will be on Literacy. Not just the study of literacy in English and Chinese but across all subjects. Each subject will be responsible for teaching literacy and ensuring students have the vocabulary and knowledge of how to use the literacy appropriate for the particular剑桥词典对Literacy的定义如下:The Cambridge Dictionary definition of Literacy is as follows:Literacy 名词1.读写能力2.关于某特定学科的知识,或特定类型的知识,如计算机知识?Literacy noun?1. The?ability?to?read?and write.2. Knowledge?of a?particular?subject, or a?particular?type?of?knowledge: e.g. Computer?literacy”?因此,阅读是文字素养的主要部分。在这个科技时代,各种讯息铺天盖地,阅读的重要性不言而喻。阅读总是妙不可言的消遣,是收集知识的宝贵方式,它还能让我们触摸历史人物,经历历史事件。Reading therefore is a major part of being literate.? In this age of technology, fast paced information gathering, tweets, fast paced searches for information and information being given to us over the television etc, the importance of reading a book is beginning to gather momentum. Reading has always been a great past time, a valuable way of gathering knowledge and a way of allowing our imagination to go to far-flung places through words painting an image of new and old worlds, exciting characters, historical figures and events.作为文学素养年的一部分,绿洲学校始终致力于阅读,帮助学生取得学业的成功。然而,阅读不仅仅是为了我们的学生,也是为了整个学校的每个人。我们希望大家能以阅读为乐。我们鼓励大家用英语、汉语或其他语言阅读。通过阅读,获得安慰、平静和快乐!So as part of the Year of Literacy, Green Oasis School is focussing on reading, as this will help students be successful. Reading, however, is not just for our students but for all members of our community. We would like to see all our community reading fiction and non-fiction for enjoyment and for study. We encourage people to read in English, Chinese or a language of their choice. Enjoy the solace, the calm and the joy you will gain from burying yourself into the pages of a good book!问题是,为什么我们要阅读?研究表明,阅读对老年人和青年人有很多好处。Now the question that needs to be asked is: Why are we being asked to read? Good question and the benefits of reading for old and young have been studied with results that show that there are many advantages for of us if we spend time reading. Below are a few of the reasons and benefits that we will gain from reading. These are both for adults and even more importantly in the context of this article are the benefits students of all ages will gain from enjoying a good read.阅读的理由Reasons to Read

刺激大脑——阅读能活跃大脑。我们锻炼身体,保持健康。阅读有助于我们更投入,集中精力学习。Mental Stimulation – by reading we are stimulating the brain. We are exercising? and keeping it healthy. Reading helps to keep us engaged, interested and learning.?缓解压力——读书有助于摆脱压力。我们可以想象把我们带到新的地方,参与有趣的人物。这将有助于缓解紧张的一天,只是溜走,带来平静和安宁,帮助我们更好地应付我们忙碌的生活压力。Stress Reduction and bring tranquility to our lives – reading a great book can help leave the stress of the day behind. We can use our imagination to transport us to new lands and be involved with interesting characters. This will help with the tension of the day just slip away and bring a calm and tranquility to help us better cope with the stresses of our busy lives.积累知识——这肯定是最重要的理由。阅读能增长知识,增长见识,丰富兴趣。Knowledge – this must be one of the most important reasons to read. It is simple reading increases your knowledge whether it is for school, study or in an area of interest for you. Reading will increase your knowledge and thus make you more interesting and ready for your studies.?扩充词汇——阅读当然能提高我们的词汇量。在阅读中,我们能接触新词和新用法。这能提高我们的语言运用能力。Vocabulary Expansion- of course by increasing your reading it stands to reason you will be increasing you vocabulary. Reading will introduce to new words, new phrases and ways of using words you already know.? This will make you more articulate and more confident in your use of words.提高写作——阅读优秀书籍能提高我们的写作水平,积累写作素材。Better Writing Skills – this goes with the above. Reading a well written fiction or non-fiction book will help us be exposed to creative and interesting writing. We can then take these and use them to create our own interesting prose.锻炼记性——读小说的时候,我们必须记住人物、情节、环境。读得越多,需要记得也越多,但这项活动对大脑大有裨益,记忆力就在这个过程中提高的。Memory Improvement – when you read a novel, it is important you remember the characters, the scenes and the plot. The more you read the more of these you will need to remember. This is a big ask for our brain, but the more we do this, the more our brains will increase our memory!活跃思维,集中精力——这对学习、工作、娱乐至关重要。阅读时,我们会不时遇到新东西,为此不得不努力思考消化,然后运用到自己的学习、工作和社交中。Improved thinking skills, focus and concentration –these are really important in study, work and play. Reading is a wonderful way to do all the above. When we read, we are at times confronted by new ideas that perhaps are new to us. We are challenged to think about these things, we have to focus on these opinions and concentrate to get through a difficult passage that we are reading. All of these will then transfer into our studies, our work and our interaction with others.?帮助睡眠——我们经常告诉家长,让学生养成睡前阅读的习惯。不独孩子如此,家长亦然。睡前阅读有助于舒缓紧张情绪,轻松愉快进入梦乡。Reading before bed can help you sleep – we often tell parents to read with their children as a bed time ritual. It is not only for children but for adults as well.? Reading before sleeping will help us to release the tension of the day and relax us to stop thinking about the troubles of the day.?阅读好处多多。今年,我们会鼓励学生阅读,并请您也协助孩子在家养成阅读的习惯。我们鼓励学生用不同的语言阅读。父母可以给孩子们朗读,也可以让孩子们给你朗读。这就是阅读的最后一个理由——一传十,十传百!如果你的孩子看到你在读书,并且乐在其中,他们也会成为“书虫”。父母以身作则,孩子也会有样学样。So as you can see there are many good reasons to pick up a book and read. This year we will be encouraging our students to read and ask for your support to continue this at home. We encourage the students to read in different languages. Parents can read to their children, with their children or have the children read to you.? Which brings me to the last reason for all of us to read; it is contagious! If your children see you reading and being excited about a book, they too will get the reading ‘bug’.? If you as parents are positive about reading, children will follow suit.?未来一年,我们将继续鼓励阅读,为学生创造阅读机会,继续增加图书馆藏书。以后,我们将陆续发布关于文字素养和阅读方法的文章,帮助学生在各个科目中提高文字素养,为日后成功铺平道路。大家阅读愉快!Throughout the year we will continue to encourage reading, give opportunities for reading at school, and of course continue to add to our collection of books in the library. Over the year there will be more articles on Literacy and more ways we can support our students to be truly literate across a range of subjects and achieve the success they deserve. Happy reading everyone!?Helen SwanPrincipal
